Reverence for the Body

For as long as I can remember, I have had the distinct sensation of being separate from the body that ‘contains’ me. It was as if it was another being altogether. This lead to resentment, which led to neglect, which, inevitably, resulted in discomfort and illness. With Donnella’s generous and creative teaching I was allowed to experience first-hand the fabulous architecture of this fantastic body of mine. Not only did I discover the various quirks of muscles and the surprising color of bones, but I was delighted by a renewed sense of engagement as I moved through my days. I looked forward to class time. The personal sharing amongst classmates also deepened my respect for the ‘containers’ of others so that while I was concentrating on the physical beat of my heart I became aware of my emotional heart opening as well.
— Lyn

Reverence for the Body is designed to help you develop an ability to listen to your body and discover ways to feel more connected to yourself.

We explore different body systems and structures to develop a greater awareness of your body’s landscape,  stories, and movement. Through guided movement, hands-on exercises, writing, and drawing you deepen your ability to trust and appreciate your unique body. 

You are given time for personal exploration and opportunities to share your experience with a supportive group. No movement experience is necessary to participate.

This work helps you cultivate an ability to…

  • Become more comfortable in your body
  • Develop ways to listen more deeply to yourself
  • Get to know and appreciate your unique physical form
  • Feel more alive and present